Four men stand with golf clubs on a golf course
Four men stand with golf clubs on a golf course
Four men stand with golf clubs on a golf course
Four men stand with golf clubs on a golf course

Attend the Annual

Golf Classic

Monday, September 29, 2025

Drive Change







White Beeches Golf and Country Club

70 Haworth Dr, Haworth, NJ 07641


Tickets and Sponsorships

Grand St. Settlement board members pose for a photo
Grand St. Settlement board members pose for a photo
Grand St. Settlement board members pose for a photo
Grand St. Settlement board members pose for a photo

Drive Change in Our Community

The Grand St. Settlement Golf Classic at White Beeches Golf and Country Club in Hayworth, New Jersey brings supporters and friends of the settlement together for a day of activity and fun in support of the programs and services of Grand Street.

Single Golfers

Individual golfers are welcome and will be put on a team with other friends of Grand Street. Need clubs or equipment? It's available to rent through the pro shop!


You and three teammates can join together to compete for the grand prize - bragging rights as winners of the Grand St. Settlement Golf Classic (and gift cards for new golf gear)!


Your sponsorship of this event directly supports the children and families in our programs at Grand Street. Your name or company logo will be displayed on materials during the event and listed in our annual report alongside other Grand St. Settlement supporters.


Last Year's Tournament

A group of golfers pose for a photo on a golf course.
A group of golfers pose for a photo on a golf course.
A group of golfers pose for a photo on a golf course.
A group of golfers pose for a photo on a golf course.
Three men pose for a photo near a cocktail bar
Three men pose for a photo near a cocktail bar
Three men pose for a photo near a cocktail bar
Three men pose for a photo near a cocktail bar
Two men pose for a photo at a dining table
Two men pose for a photo at a dining table
Two men pose for a photo at a dining table
Two men pose for a photo at a dining table
A group of people pose for a photo on a golf course
A group of people pose for a photo on a golf course
A group of people pose for a photo on a golf course
A group of people pose for a photo on a golf course

2025 Grand Street Settlement. All right reserved.

80 Pitt Street, New York, NY 10002


Grand St. Settlement is a registered 501(c)(3)

2024 Grand Street Settlement. All right reserved.

80 Pitt Street, New York, NY 10002


Grand St. Settlement is a registered 501(c)(3)

2024 Grand Street Settlement. All right reserved.

80 Pitt Street, New York, NY 10002


Grand St. Settlement is a registered 501(c)(3)

2024 Grand Street Settlement. All right reserved.

80 Pitt Street, New York, NY 10002


Grand St. Settlement is a registered 501(c)(3)